Fiber Laser Cutting Machine For Stainless Steel

They are extremely important machines used in many fields in our country and the world.One of the first mechanisms that comes to mind when we say that a laser cutting machine is a fiber laser cutting machine.Fiber laser cutting machine is one of the laser cutting machines that use the fiber laser manufacturer as the light source.Fiber laser cutting machine performs the cutting process by generating high energy and high density from a laser beam, and is a rapidly developing machine in the world.This machine performs the cutting process by focusing on ultra-thin cavities.Fiber cleavers are used in many fields.Fiber laser cutting machines have different working principles.This machine has a different working principle from the laser source used in CO2 laser cutting machines.
Fiber laser cutters contain elements such as ytterbium, neodymium, and thulium, which are rare in nature.Thanks to these elements, fiber laser cutters are equipped with doped fiber amplifiers that provide continuous light amplification.It is also present in light sources such as Roman scattering or 4-wave hybrids that provide fiber laser power.
Laser cutting machines are generally used for marking stainless steel, aluminum, brass, gold, silver, bronze and other metals.On the other hand, fiber laser cutting machines also feature the creation of permanent marking systems on leather, rubber and plastic materials.MVD is one of the leading organizations operating in this field in our country.The company is an organization run by a successful son who implemented the first kadayif machine in 1950 and successfully inherited the flag.The organization aims to ensure continuity of machine diversity and continuity.The company serves approximately 90 countries around the world.
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Post time: Feb-18-2022